browser extensions
Our bookmarklet and browser extensions are all completely free for all our users. Additionally, subscribers have access to enhanced functionality in browser extensions and third-party plugins, detailed in the table above!
Our bookmarklet and browser extensions are all completely free for all our users. Additionally, subscribers have access to enhanced functionality in browser extensions and third-party plugins, detailed in the table above!
Regardless of whether you're a subscriber or not, you will be able to share as many links as you want with the world, and create your very own custom search engine. Just give your friends the address of your personal historious and they will be able to search all your historified sites for anything that might interest them!
All your historified pages will always be available even if the original site is unavailable. Additionally, the cached page address never changes, so you can publish that page and link to it from anywhere you like!
We always strive to keep our users (regular or subscribers) happy! We do our best to reply to any email we get within a few minutes, because we know you love that!
* Fair-use limit of 10,000 historifications may apply.